How to Send 10,000 Cold Emails at Once

Created On:
November 26, 2023
Updated On:
July 10, 2024
send 10000 cold emails at once

Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo don’t allow more than 500 cold emails per day. With a Google Workspace account, you can send up to 2000 emails. But that’s the limit. 

To send 10,000 cold emails at once without landing in spam (and also make money with it), you need a strong cold email tool like Smartlead. 

In addition, you need 68 secondary domains, 200 email accounts (3 email accounts per secondary domain) to send 10,000 email messages. 

In this article, you’ll find:

  • Things you need to do to send 10000 outreach emails
  • How to send 10000 outreach emails

Let’s dive in. 

Things You Need to Do Before Sending 10000 Cold Emails

For this part, I am guessing you already have a primary domain and a few email addresses. 

Example: our primary domain is, and its email addresses are,, etc. 

If you don’t have a primary domain yet, buy one before going to the next part. 

Sign Up on a Cold Email Tool - Smartlead 

If you're thinking how to send bulk cold emails, the first thing you need is a cold emailing software, such as Smartlead. Smartlead lets you add unlimited email accounts, email warm up, create cold email campaigns, set follow-ups, schedule bulk emails, etc.  

One of our customers achieved as high as 19% positive reply rate with Smartlead.

Make a list of your needs and set a budget. Go through the features of a cold email tool and see if those align with your needs before buying a cold email tool. 

Not to beat our own drums, but Smartlead is the best cold email outreach partner in the market right now. Check this out to learn why. 

Buy Secondary Domains & Create 200 Email Accounts

Number of secondary domains and email accounts  required to send 10000 emails per day

Secondary domains are additional domain names that a business or individual gets to complement their main domain. 

For example, our primary domain is, but our secondary domains are 


Secondary domains are vital in sending bulk cold emails for 2 reasons: 

  • Firstly, they help divide the email-sending load, improving deliverability.
  • Secondly, instead of using the primary domain and risking its reputation, you can use the secondary domains. This strategy will prevent potential blacklisting issues of the primary domain.

How many secondary domains do you need for 10,000 cold emails?

If you're thinking how to send 1000 cold emails or more, always split your bulk emails into batches—a max of 50 emails per address

Let’s get into a little math to find the answer to this question. 

You want to send 10,000 emails per day. If you can only send 50 emails per address, you will need 200 email addresses (simply 10,000 by 50) to send 10,000 emails.

Now, it’s recommended to create only 3 email addresses per secondary domain. 

So, divide 200 by 3. You need  66 to 67 secondary domains. We always recommend buying one or two extra domains. So, buy around 68 secondary domains to send 10,000 mails. 

Similarly, if you're wondering how to send 5000 cold emails, you will need 33 to 34 secondary domains and 100 email addresses.

To send 1000 cold emails, 6 to 7 secondary domains are enough with 20 email accounts.

Add Bulk Email Accounts to the Cold Email Tool

add bulk email accounts to cold email platform

Once you’ve the secondary domains and the 200 email accounts, add them to your cold email tool.

If you’re using Smartlead, check out this article for technical assistance. 

Email Authentication - DKIM, SPF, DMARC, and MX Records

SPF- Sender Policy Framework 

DKIM - Domain Keys Identified Mail 

DMARC - Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance. 

MX Record - Mail Exchange record

These abbreviations often confuse the daylights out of SDRs, but that’s okay. You’re not alone. Here’s an article on DKIM, SPF, DMARC, and MX Records to help you with everything related to it. 


Warming up email accounts is a must to see success with cold emails, especially when you’re using new domains and sending 10,000 messages.

Warm up your new email accounts for at least 2 weeks before launching the campaign. 

Here are resources to help you out with warm-ups:

For 10,000 messages, use a cold email tool with an AI-based warm-up feature. 

How to Send 10000 Cold Emails At Once

Sending 10,000 cold emails is similar to sending 100 emails. The difference lies in the number of secondary domains, the lead list, and how you segment and schedule it. 

Take a look at the cold email checklist and practices before launching your outreach campaign. It will save you from many evident mistakes. 

Let’s dig in. 

Create a Lead List 

The easiest way to create a lead list is to get a cold email tool that comes with a contact list building feature. 

For instance, with Smartlead, you can opt for this feature (Listkit integration) and create a targeted lead list with just a few clicks on the Smartlead app itself. 

If you want to use a separate platform for creating an email list, you have the below options: 

  • Databases
  • Email finders and scrapers

A database is a storehouse of info about potential customers. The information includes industry, contact details, company size, locations, and performance metrics. Using various filters, you can search these databases for potential customers that align with your ICP. is one of the most popular B2B databases. Here’s an article on How to use Apollo to create an effective email list

An email finder or scrapper is a tool designed to retrieve email addresses publicly posted on the internet. Popular email scrappers are Clay, GetProspect,,, etc.

Here are a few more resources to come up with a lead list:

Note: Always verify the lists before launching campaigns. Use Usebouncer, Bulkemailchecker, and MillionVerifier to verify the contacts. 

Upload the Lead List in CSV Format

Organise the downloaded lead list on a Google sheet or Excel doc using various columns to segment it properly. 

Now, log in to the Smartlead app and click on the ‘Email Campaign' section from the navigation menu. 

Add campaign option in a cold emailing tool

On Smartlead, you can either upload the lead list as a CSV file or import it directly from your CRM. 

Upload CSV file option in a ai outreach tool

Map the CSV Columns

Map CSV column

Next, connect each CSV column to the right dropdown option. If you have extra fields, like "Custom First Line," choose "Custom" in the dropdown. This way, you can include specific info not covered by the standard fields, making your data more personalised.

Afterwards, you will see a pop-up with a summary of the contact list, as shown below. 

file summary of an uploaded lead list

This summary is extremely crucial for bulk email outreach. Go through it and see if anything needs your attention.

Write the Email Sequence 

Once you click “Save & Next”, you will go to the next step—sequences. 

This is where you write the email body, subject line, and set the follow-ups for your 10,000-leads cold email campaign. 

When writing the email body, check out the “spam checker” section on Smartlead. It will show the words or terms that are likely to alert spam filters. 

Go through the results and improve your email copy accordingly. 

spam checker feature on Smartlead

Set Follow-Ups

Even though you’re sending 10,000 messages, it’s important to follow up to get the best results. 

Here’s how we follow up at Smartlead. 

set follow-ups on smartlead

Don’t set more than three follow-up emails. Keep a healthy interval between each follow-up email. 

Choose Sender Accounts

choose sender accounts on smartlead

Once done creating the email sequence, choose the email accounts you want to send from. In this case, you need 200 email accounts for sending 10,000 messages

choose multiple email accounts for sending cold emails

That’s it. You’ve launched a 10,000-leads campaign successfully. Now, sit back and check the analytics dashboard on your cold email tool. 

Final Thoughts

Sending 10,000 cold mails is no different than sending 100 messages. The practices remain the same. If anything that changes is the number of secondary domains and email accounts used for that particular campaign.

If you’re a beginner, I recommend starting small. It will help you understand cold emailing as a process and provide a chance to gain a better understanding of your target audience. 

For beginners, 10,000 might be an overwhelming volume. But, if you still want to give it a shot, go ahead.

Feel free to reach out to the Smartlead team on the Slack channel or the customer support team if you need any kind of assistance.  


How to create a lead list for cold email outreach?

To create a lead list for cold email outreach, leverage a cold email tool like Smartlead that comes with a built-in feature or integration for easy list building. Alternatively, explore databases such as, email finders like, or tools like Clay and BuiltWith. Always verify lists using tools like Usebouncer and MillionVerifier before the campaign launches.

Can you send 1,000 emails a day?

Yes, you can send 1000 emails a day with an AI-based cold email software. 

Is it legal to send cold emails?

No, sending cold emails is not illegal. However, laws and regulations like the CAN-SPAM Act and GDPR regulate cold outreach, requiring accurate information, protection of recipients' data, and application of an unsubscribe link within emails to comply with its provisions.

What tools are recommended for managing large-scale cold email campaigns?

Several tools and platforms can help streamline the process of managing large-scale cold email campaigns and enhance your outreach efforts. Tools like Smartlead, Mailshake, and are excellent choices as they offer robust features tailored to cold email outreach. Smartlead provides automation, personalization, and analytics to manage campaigns effectively. Mailshake focuses on easy integration with CRM systems and offers comprehensive tracking capabilities. is known for its email finder and verification features, ensuring your emails reach valid contacts. Using an AI bulk email sender is also beneficial for efficiently sending thousands of emails at once without compromising on personalization.

How do you personalize cold emails when sending them in bulk?

Personalizing cold emails at scale involves using advanced tools and techniques to tailor each message while maintaining efficiency. Start by segmenting your email list based on specific criteria such as industry, role, or previous interactions. Use merge tags to insert personalized elements like the recipient's name, company, and relevant details dynamically into your emails. Craft a versatile template that allows for easy customization of key sections. Leveraging bulk email software that supports dynamic content and personalized snippets can significantly enhance the personalization of your mass cold email campaigns. This approach ensures your emails remain relevant and engaging, even when sending thousands at once.

How can you segment your email list for more effective cold outreach?

Segmenting your email list is crucial for the success of your cold email outreach. Begin by categorizing your contacts based on demographics, such as industry, company size, and geographic location. Further segmentation can be achieved by analyzing behavioral data, such as past interactions, website visits, and content engagement. Utilize your CRM and bulk email sender tool to create detailed segments and tailor your messaging accordingly. By addressing the specific needs and pain points of each segment, you can craft highly targeted and effective cold email campaigns, resulting in improved response rates and engagement.

What are the risks of sending too many cold emails at once, and how can you mitigate them?

Sending too many cold emails at once can lead to several risks, including getting flagged for spam, damaging your sender's reputation, and experiencing higher bounce rates. To mitigate these risks, adhere to cold email rules and best practices. Use email verification tools to ensure you're sending to valid addresses and avoid spam traps. Slowly ramp up your email volume to build credibility with email service providers. Personalize your emails to avoid generic and spammy content. Additionally, monitor your email deliverability and engagement metrics continuously. Utilize cold email-sending services that offer advanced monitoring and compliance features to stay within safe sending limits and maintain a healthy sender reputation.

How do you integrate cold email outreach with other marketing strategies?

Integrating cold email outreach with other marketing strategies amplifies your overall efforts and creates a cohesive approach. Start by aligning your cold email campaigns with your broader marketing goals and messaging. Use insights from your content marketing, social media, and paid advertising efforts to inform your email content and targeting. For example, leverage blog posts and whitepapers as valuable resources in your emails. Coordinate your outreach timing with other campaigns, such as launching a new product alongside a targeted cold email blitz. Track and analyze data across all channels to understand how cold email outreach contributes to your overall marketing performance. Combining these efforts ensures a unified strategy that maximizes reach and effectiveness.

How do you measure the success of a cold email campaign?

Measuring the success of a cold email campaign involves tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) that reflect your campaign goals. Common KPIs include open rates, click-through rates, response rates, and conversion rates. Utilize bulk email software with robust analytics to monitor these metrics in real time. Pay attention to the quality of responses and the engagement levels of different segments within your email list. A/B testing various elements of your emails, such as subject lines and calls to action, can provide insights into what resonates best with your audience. Ultimately, the success of a cold email campaign is determined by how well it generates qualified leads and drives tangible business outcomes.

How can you avoid getting your cold emails marked as spam?

Avoiding the spam folder requires a combination of technical setup, content strategy, and adherence to cold email rules. Ensure your domain and email server settings, such as SPF, DKIM, and DMARC, are correctly configured to establish sender authenticity. Use email verification tools to clean your list and remove invalid addresses. Craft compelling and relevant subject lines that avoid spammy words or phrases. Personalize your emails to make them more engaging and less likely to be marked as spam. Implement proper opt-out mechanisms and respect unsubscribe requests promptly. Monitoring your sender's reputation and staying compliant with anti-spam regulations are also vital steps in avoiding the spam folder. 

By leveraging these strategies and tools, you can effectively manage large-scale cold email campaigns, ensure high deliverability, personalize at scale, and integrate with other marketing tactics to drive successful outcomes from your cold email outreach efforts.