What is an SSL Certificate?

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate is a digital document that safeguards your website by encrypting data transferred between your server and your visitors. This ensures that your sensitive information, like passwords and credit card numbers, remains secure.

SSL protects your data and boosts your website’s credibility. When your site has SSL, visitors see a padlock icon in their browser’s address bar, signaling that your site is safe to use.

How to Use the SSL Checker Tool?

Using the Smartlead SSL checker tool is straight-forward and efficient:

1. Enter Hostname: Input your server's public hostname or IP address into the designated field.
2. Click 'Look Up': After entering the hostname, click the button to initiate the SSL certificate check.
3. Review Results: Instantly receive a comprehensive overview of your SSL certificate status, including essential details like Common Name, issuer, validity period, and certificate chaining.

What is an SSL Checker?




Time to live (TTL)





An SSL Checker is a tool for ensuring your website's SSL certificate is correctly installed and trusted by browsers. It helps you verify that your SSL Certificate is properly configured, displaying essential details like the Common Name, server type, issuer, validity, and certificate chaining.

How Does the Smartlead SSL Checker Work? 




Time to live (TTL)





Simply enter your server hostname or IP address, and our SSL Checker will provide you with an instant overview of your SSL Certificate status. It’s a quick and easy way to ensure your website is secure and trustworthy for your visitors.

• Fast and Accurate: Get immediate results on your SSL certificate's status

• One Click Solution: Just enter your public hostname and click a button.

• Comprehensive: Ensure your SSL certificate is correctly installed, valid, and trusted.

  • www is the subdomain and is an identifier of the record.

  • CNAME is the DNS record type.

  • com is the value of the record. That means www will resolve to the IP address of the domain abc.com.

  • 3600 is TTL (time to live) is the expiry time of the CNAME record. It's expressed in seconds. Here 3600 means that the records will be updated after each hour.




Time to live (TTL)





How to Interpret the Report Generated From the SSL Check?




Time to live (TTL)





Interpreting the report generated from an SSL check involves understanding several key components to ensure your website's security and compliance:

Certificate Information:

Common Name:
This should match your website's domain name.
Issuer: The organization that issued the SSL certificate (e.g., Let's Encrypt, DigiCert).
Validity Period: Check the start and expiration dates to ensure the certificate is current.
Certificate Chains: Verify if the certificate is properly chained to a trusted root certificate authority.

SSL/TLS Configuration:
Protocol Versions:
Ensure the server supports up-to-date SSL/TLS protocols (e.g., TLS 1.2 or TLS 1.3) for secure communication.
Cipher Suites: Verify that strong cryptographic algorithms are used to encrypt data transmission.

Security Vulnerabilities:
Certificate Revocation:
Check if the certificate has been revoked due to security concerns.
Heartbleed: This vulnerability allows attackers to retrieve sensitive information from the server's memory.

Look for any recommendations or warnings provided by the SSL checker. These might include suggestions for improving your SSL configuration or addressing potential security vulnerabilities.

How to Interpret the Report?

Green Indicators:
Typically indicate that everything is configured correctly and securely.
Yellow or Orange Indicators: May suggest warnings or areas that need attention, such as weak cipher suites or outdated protocols.
Red Indicators: Signal critical issues that need immediate resolution, such as expired certificates or serious security vulnerabilities.By carefully reviewing each section of the SSL check report and addressing any issues identified, you can ensure that your website remains secure, compliant with industry standards, and trustworthy for your visitors.

  • www is the subdomain and is an identifier of the record.

  • CNAME is the DNS record type.

  • com is the value of the record. That means www will resolve to the IP address of the domain abc.com.

  • 3600 is TTL (time to live) is the expiry time of the CNAME record. It's expressed in seconds. Here 3600 means that the records will be updated after each hour.




Time to live (TTL)





How to Get An SSL Certificate?




Time to live (TTL)





Obtaining an SSL certificate involves several steps to ensure your website is secure and trusted.
Here’s a general outline of how to get an SSL certificate:

Choose a Certificate Authority (CA): Select a reputable Certificate Authority (CA) that offers SSL certificates. Popular CAs include Let’s Encrypt, DigiCert, Comodo, and GoDaddy.

Select the Type of SSL Certificate:
- Domain Validated (DV): Basic SSL certificates that verify domain ownership.
- Organization Validated (OV): Certificates that verify domain ownership and some details of the organization.
- Extended Validation (EV): Highest level of validation that includes rigorous verification of the organization’s identity.

Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR): Your web hosting provider or server administrator will generate a CSR, which includes details about your website and organization.

Submit CSR and Other Information: Provide the CSR and any other required information (such as organization details for OV/EV certificates) to the CA.

Complete Validation Process: The CA will verify the information provided in the CSR. For DV certificates, this typically involves confirming domain ownership via email or DNS verification. OV and EV certificates require additional documentation to verify organization details.

Receive and Install the SSL Certificate: Once validated, the CA will issue the SSL certificate. You will receive the certificate files, typically including the SSL certificate itself, any intermediate certificates (if applicable), and sometimes a private key. Install the SSL certificate on your web server. Your hosting provider or server administrator can assist with this step if needed.

Configure Your Website: Update your website configuration to use HTTPS instead of HTTP. Ensure that all resources (like images, scripts, and stylesheets) are loaded securely over HTTPS.

Test and Verify: Use the Smartlead SSL checker tool to verify that your SSL certificate is correctly installed and configured.

  • www is the subdomain and is an identifier of the record.

  • CNAME is the DNS record type.

  • com is the value of the record. That means www will resolve to the IP address of the domain abc.com.

  • 3600 is TTL (time to live) is the expiry time of the CNAME record. It's expressed in seconds. Here 3600 means that the records will be updated after each hour.

Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

What Does an SSL Checker Do?

Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

An SSL Checker verifies the proper installation and trustworthiness of your website's SSL certificate. By entering your server hostname or IP address, the SSL Checker provides an instant overview of key certificate details, such as the Common Name, server type, issuer, validity, and certificate chaining.

This ensures your website's SSL certificate is correctly configured and trusted by browsers, enhancing security and user trust.

How to Diagnose SSL Errors?

Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

Enter your server hostname or IP address into Smartlead's SSL Checker. It will quickly identify any issues with the certificate installation or configuration. Check the specific error messages displayed in browsers, such as expired certificates, mismatched domains, or incomplete certificate chains.

Why is Checking the SSL Status for My Website Important?

Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

Checking the SSL status for your website is crucial for several reasons:

- Security Assurance: Ensures that data transferred between your server and visitors is encrypted, protecting sensitive information such as passwords and credit card details from being intercepted by malicious actors.

- Trust and Credibility: Displays a padlock icon in the browser's address bar, indicating to visitors that your site is secure and their information is safe, which enhances trust in your brand.
SEO Benefits: Google and other search engines prioritize secure websites in search results, so having a valid SSL certificate can positively impact your site's search engine rankings.

- Legal Compliance: Depending on your location and the nature of your website, there may be legal requirements or industry standards that mandate the use of SSL certificates to protect user data.

Regularly checking your SSL certificate ensures it is up-to-date, correctly configured, and valid, thereby maintaining the security and credibility of your website.

Does Having an SSL Certificate Affect Website Speed? 

Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

Having an SSL certificate can marginally affect website speed due to the encryption and decryption processes. However, with modern technology, the impact is usually negligible and outweighed by the security benefits.

What Does "SSL Not Found" Mean? Should I Be Worried?

Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

"SSL Not Found" indicates that your website doesn’t have an SSL certificate installed or configured correctly. Visitors' data might be insecure. It’s crucial to fix this promptly to protect user information and avoid browser warnings.

My Website Says "Connection is Not Secure." How Do I Fix It? 

Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

This message indicates an SSL certificate issue. Ensure your SSL certificate is correctly installed and valid. Use our SSL checker to diagnose the problem, and consider renewing or reinstalling your SSL certificate.

How Much Does It Cost to Get An SSL Certificate?

Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

Costs vary based on certificate type and provider. Basic SSL certificates (DV) are often available for free from providers like Let’s Encrypt. For OV and EV certificates, expect to pay anywhere from $50 to $300+ annually, depending on features and validation level.

Can I Install An SSL Certificate Myself, Or Do I Need A Developer? 

Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

Yes, you can install an SSL certificate yourself if you have access to your server configuration. Most hosting providers offer guides for this process. For OV and EV certificates, you might need additional organisational documentation.

How Often Do I Need To Renew My SSL Certificate? 

Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

SSL certificates typically need renewal annually. Some providers offer longer validity periods, up to three years. Regularly check your certificate’s expiration date to avoid disruptions in site security.

Will Having An SSL Certificate Improve My Website's SEO Ranking? 

Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

Yes, having an SSL certificate can improve your website's SEO ranking. Search engines like Google prioritize secure websites (HTTPS) in their search results. HTTPS is a confirmed ranking signal, meaning websites with SSL certificates tend to rank higher than those without. It's an important step towards improving your SEO performance and enhancing trust with your visitors.

What Happens If My SSL Certificate Expires? 

Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

If your SSL certificate expires, your website will display security warnings, and visitors may be unable to access it securely. Renew your certificate promptly to avoid disruptions and maintain trust with users.