
Get easy passive income by sharing the most popular AI sales tech tool!

Earn a 15% recurring monthly commission for life whilst blowing the minds of your followers away after they try Smartlead.


How the Affiliate Program Works?

  1. Get a unique link

    Once you sign up as a partner, you'll be given an uniquelink which will track all your customers and purchases.

  2. Promote and share

    Recommend and share Smartlead to your clients, followers and friends who will get a 500 bonus leads if they use your link.

  3. Get paid

    Each time your referral renews their subscription you'll get a 15% recurring commission.


Why it's worth sharing SmartLead AI - Benefits?

Become a partner & make $
  • Customers Are Everywhere.
  • It pays for itself in 5x-10x multiples.
  • With unlimited mailboxes and AI warmup in one.
  • 15% commission on each customer.
  • Its perfect for anyone who wants to grow their business.
  • Smartlead makes customers more money.

Start making passive income whenever someone signs upto Smartlead

Whenever a customer signs up with your affiliate link, you get a 15% monthly commission for life.

Grow your MRR with Us
*no credit card required

Frequently asked questions

General FAQ’s

How much money can I make as an Affiliate Partner?

Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

68% of users go for the yearly popular plan.

    So if you recommend users who send loads of emails, i.e they upgrade to the higher tiered plans, you'll see your earnings really start to soar.

    Because our system is intertwined with email verification and sending emails, the potential to compound your revenue is extremely high.

    How much does Smartlead cost?

    Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

    Basic Plan: $39/month
    Popular Plan: $79/month
    Pro Plan: $94/month

    When do I get paid out?

    Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

    You will become eligible for a commission at least 45 days after your referred customer converts from a trial to a paid account, provided that the total amount owing reaches USD 50 or more. For instance, if your referred customer upgrades their account on June 15th, you can anticipate receiving your commission on August 1st.

    Can I advertise with my own referral link?

    Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

    To prevent any potential confusion among potential customers and to align with Smartlead's marketing strategies, it is prohibited to use your affiliate link in any paid media, including search engine ads, Facebook ads, or any similar platforms that may compete with Smartlead's marketing efforts.

    Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

    Do I need to be a Smartlead user to be an affiliate?

    No, you don't need to be a Smartlead user.

    How long does the referral cookie last for?

    Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

    As an affiliate, you will receive a 90-day cookie duration, meaning that if someone clicks on your referral link and creates an account within that period, you will still be eligible for a commission even if they make a purchase after the 90-day timeframe.

    Powerful Automated Email Marketing that Drives Sales.

    • All Features Included
    • No Credit Card Required
    • Free Warmup Included