Elevate Conversions in 2024: The Best Paid and Free Link Trackers

Created On:
December 17, 2022
Updated On:
June 10, 2024
Best Free Link Tracking Tools

Which marketing campaign is generating the most traffic? Which demographics are more likely to engage with your Facebook ad campaigns? 

These are the most common questions a marketing expert or a business owner faces while assessing their marketing campaigns' performance. 

That's where link tracking software come in. These are an integral part of your marketing campaigns, helping you understand which platforms and campaigns are generating more engagement and return on investment and offering you valuable analytics. 

So, if you are still not using a link-tracking tool for your business, it's time you invest in a good link tracking tool.

Today's blog post has researched, tested, categorized, and reviewed the best link tracking software for your business in 2024. We've also added the best free link tracking tools in case you still need to be ready to invest in one. 

What are the Benefits of Link Tracking Software? 

People from marketing backgrounds benefit from link-tracking tool. Here's how it helps professionals in various marketing niches: 

For Marketing Individuals/Content Writers/Social Media Experts

Marketing individuals working in both SMBs and big corporations benefit from link-tracking tools. It offers:

  • Better control over marketing campaigns
  • Increased click-through rates
  • Higher conversion rates

Link tracking helps content writers and marketers understand relevant content trends, which kind of content generates more engagement, and which might boost conversion rates. These analytics make it easier to create personalized content based on customer demographics and split test content. 

With a useful link tracker tool, a social media expert can learn about social media trends and which account generates more engagement. It also helps understand trending products and services and preferred communication channels based on the audience's demographics. 

For Digital Marketing Agencies

Link tracking is an essential part of any digital marketing agency's workflow. Link tracker tools help them provide their client's accurate figures (engagement, conversion rates, and click-through rates). 

Link tracking tools also enable digital marketers to perform multi-channel attribution analysis. Moreover, these tools come in handy for ad operation teams as they can easily track response rates and generate detailed reports. 

For Affiliate Marketers/Vloggers/Influencers

We all know that e-commerce sites like Amazon and eBay collaborate with online affiliates to generate traffic to their sites and increase sales. Naturally, it is important to track which affiliate sites are generating how much traffic. 

Link tracker services offer individual (unique) tracking URLs for each affiliate site, so e-commerce platforms can accurately track incoming traffic from individual affiliate sites. 

Not just affiliates, you can also track which vlogger or influencer is generating more traffic to your e-commerce site.

10 Best Link Tracking Tools for Businesses in 2024 [Paid + Free] 

1. ClickMagic

If you go through any review article on link trackers, the chances are that you have seen this tool on top. It is one of the best and most popular link marker sites. 

The all-in-one platform allows you to track conversions and multiple marketing model links and optimize them accordingly. 

What makes it stand out from its competitors is its capability to track an entire sales funnel, which is an advanced feature for businesses that rely on automation. Moreover, ClickMagic comes with an in-built package of advertising campaigns. 

You can use it for almost all the popular ad channels currently in use. 

Clickmagic Homepage


  • Click Tracking & Conversion Tracking: Tracks clicks on your links and measures conversions (sales, signups, etc.)
  • Sales Funnel Tracking: Analyzes visitor behavior throughout your sales funnel, identifying bottlenecks and optimizing conversion rates.
  • Ad Campaign Management: Create and manage ad campaigns within ClickMagick, simplifying workflows.
  • Supports Popular Ad Channels: Integrates with major ad platforms like Facebook Ads and Google Ads.
  • Link Shortening & Customization: Shorten links for cleaner presentation and brand your links for better recognition.
  • A/B Testing: Test different versions of your landing pages or ad creatives to see which performs better.
  • Retargeting: Create retargeting campaigns to re-engage website visitors who haven't converted yet.
  • Click Fraud Protection: Filters out bot clicks to ensure accurate data.
  • Customizable Reporting: Generate detailed reports based on various metrics to gain valuable insights into your marketing performance.


  • All-in-one Platform: Combines multiple link tracking functionalities into one platform, streamlining campaign management.
  • Advanced Sales Funnel Tracking: Provides in-depth data on how visitors interact with your sales funnel, helping you optimize for better conversions.
  • Supports Multiple Channels: Integrates with various advertising platforms and marketing tools, offering flexibility.
  • Detailed Reporting: Generates comprehensive reports with user-friendly dashboards for easy data visualization.


  • Pricing: ClickMagick can be expensive compared to some other link tracking tools, particularly for smaller businesses.
  • Learning Curve: The interface can be overwhelming for beginners, requiring some time to learn and navigate effectively.
  • Limited Free Plan: ClickMagick offers a limited free trial, not a permanent free plan like some competitors.

2. Bitly

Bitly is one of the best free link checker tools out there. Other than link tracking, you can use Bitly to shorten your promotion links. 

It comes with a powerful all-in-one dashboard that lets you look closely at your clients' sales journey. Much like ClickMagic, Bitly allows you to optimize your digital marketing campaigns. 

This tool offers super impressive content research for future campaigns as well. Also, you can get timely updates and live engagement metrics on organic traffic tracking.

Although it offers a free plan for businesses with a stringent budget, you have to subscribe to the paid plan if you want to use a custom domain name. In that case, we'd suggest you go for the monthly plan (billed annually) as it's much cheaper than the monthly plans. 

Bitly Homepage


  • Link Shortening: Creates concise and professional-looking shortened URLs for easy sharing.
  • Click Tracking: Tracks the number of clicks on your shortened links to understand their performance.
  • Analytics Dashboard: Provides insights into click data, including referring domains, visitor locations, and device types.
  • Customizable Links: Create branded links with your domain name for better recognition (paid plans).
  • UTM Tagging: Add UTM parameters to your shortened links to track specific marketing campaigns within analytics platforms like Google Analytics.
  • QR Code Generation: Generate QR codes for your shortened links for convenient offline sharing.
  • Mobile App: Manage your shortened links and track clicks on the go with the Bitly mobile app.


  • Free Plan: Offers a free plan with basic features, making it accessible to individual users and small businesses.
  • Easy to Use: Simple and intuitive interface makes it easy to shorten links and access basic analytics.
  • Trusted Brand: Widely recognized and trusted brand, ensuring data security and reliability.
  • Improved Sharing: Shortened Bitly links are cleaner and more professional-looking for social media and other platforms.
  • Basic Analytics: Provides valuable insights into link performance, even with the free plan.


  • Limited Features in Free Plan: Advanced features like custom domain names and detailed analytics require paid plans.
  • Shortened Link Expiration: Free plan links expire after a certain period unless you manually renew them.
  • Branding Limitations: Free plan limits branding options, potentially hindering brand recognition in shortened links.

Click Fraud Susceptibility: Free plan might be more susceptible to click fraud compared to paid plans with advanced filtering.

3. Voluum

Voluum is the third pick on our list and one of the most reliable link trackers out there. If you are looking for specialized affiliate link tracker software, Voluum is the perfect platform for you. 

You can streamline your entire affiliate campaign management. Whether you are launching video ads or email marketing campaigns, Voluum can perform all kinds of ad tracking and conversion tracking. 

Also, it can store up to 30 real-time engagement metrics (site visits and link clicks), ensuring a seamless follow-up process. 

The recently launched advanced feature, Automizer, allows you to integrate this platform with your traffic source for quick operation. The only drawback of this amazing tool is its pricing, which is higher than most link-tracking tools. 

Voluum Homepage


  • Affiliate Link Tracking: Tracks clicks, conversions, and revenue generated from your affiliate links.
  • Ad Campaign Tracking: Tracks performance across various advertising channels (PPC, display ads, etc.).
  • Conversion Tracking: Measures conversions (sales, leads, etc.) triggered by your marketing efforts.
  • Real-Time Engagement Metrics: Provides up-to-date data on clicks, conversions, and other key metrics.
  • Traffic Source Integration: Integrates with various traffic sources to streamline campaign management.
  • Attribution Modeling: Analyzes how different traffic sources contribute to conversions.
  • Split Testing: Test different landing pages, ad creatives, or offers to optimize performance.
  • Rotator Rules: Manage the rotation of different ad creatives for A/B testing or targeted delivery.
  • Cost Tracking: Tracks advertising costs to calculate profitability for each campaign.
  • Reporting & Analytics: Generates detailed reports with customizable dashboards for insightful data visualization.


  • Advanced Features for Affiliates: Offers specialized tools and functionalities catering to the needs of affiliate marketers.
  • Multi-Channel Tracking: Tracks performance across various advertising channels in one place.
  • In-Depth Analytics: Provides comprehensive data for detailed campaign analysis and optimization.
  • Attribution Modeling: Helps understand the contribution of different touchpoints to conversions.
  • Real-Time Data: Provides up-to-date insights for informed decision-making.


  • Pricing: Voluum is one of the more expensive link tracking tools, potentially out of budget for smaller businesses.
  • Learning Curve: The platform's advanced features can be overwhelming for beginners, requiring a steeper learning curve.
  • Limited Free Plan: Voluum doesn't offer a free plan, so you'll need to commit to a paid subscription to try it out.
  • Focus on Affiliates: May not be the most suitable option for businesses with simpler link tracking needs.

4. ClickMeter

The next on our list is another popular (and trusted by big brands) ink-tracking tool, ClickMeter. As Voluum specifically caters to the e-commerce industry, ClickMeter boasts of having a few key features for digital marketers and publishers. 

This platform uses click-based link tracking technology, where you can even trace the viewer's location and categorize them according to demographics. This tool helps you create personalized content with in-depth market research and customer data. 

Affiliate marketers can cloak their links to hide the destination, and advertising experts can trace live conversion rates and sales figures. 

Clickmeter Homepage


  • Click-Based Tracking with Location Data: Tracks clicks on your links and provides visitor location data for geographic insights.
  • Heatmaps & Form Analytics: Analyzes visitor behavior on your website using heatmaps and tracks form submissions for lead generation analysis.
  • Link Cloaking: Hides the destination URL of your links, protecting your affiliate links or masking internal tracking parameters.
  • A/B Testing: Compares two variations of a landing page or ad creative to see which performs better.
  • URL Shortening: Creates shortened and shareable versions of your links.
  • Retargeting: Allows you to target website visitors with ads based on their browsing behavior.
  • Event Tracking: Tracks specific user actions on your website beyond just clicks, like video plays or button clicks.
  • Customizable Reports: Generate reports tailored to your needs, providing insights into campaign performance.
  • API Integration: Integrates with various marketing tools and platforms for a more connected workflow.


  • Trusted by Big Brands: ClickMeter is used by large and reputable companies, suggesting its reliability and effectiveness.
  • Detailed Click Tracking: Provides in-depth data on clicks with location information, offering valuable demographic insights.
  • Conversion Tracking: Tracks various conversion events (sales, leads, etc.) to measure marketing campaign success.
  • A/B Testing: Helps optimize landing pages and ad creatives for better conversion rates.
  • Flexibility: Offers a range of features from basic click tracking to advanced functionalities like heatmaps and event tracking.
  • API Integration: Connects with other tools and platforms for a more streamlined marketing workflow.


  • Unclear Pricing: ClickMeter's website doesn't explicitly state pricing plans. You might need to contact their sales team for specific information.
  • Complexity for Beginners: The platform offers many features, which can be overwhelming for users who are new to link tracking.
  • Limited Free Plan: Information on a free plan is unavailable. You might need to rely on a paid subscription to use ClickMeter.

5. TinyURL

Here comes another best free link tracker software. Apart from link tracking and link shortening (it's free but ad-supported), you can track a visitor's location to segment your audience based on their demographics. 

It offers some basic monitoring and accurate analytics of your past links. What's more, you can monitor each click a certain link generates, allowing you to understand and research your target audience better. 

This platform goes one step further to give you information such as the site visitor location and device type, all within the same dashboard. 

TinyURL is specifically recommended for small or medium-sized business owners. It also offers a paid plan along with its free plan for just $9.99, which allows you to save link history with a one-year data storage package. 

TinyURL Homepage


  • Link Shortening: Creates concise and shareable shortened versions of your long URLs.
  • Basic Click Tracking (Free Plan): Tracks the number of clicks on your shortened links, providing basic insights into their performance.
  • Visitor Location Tracking (Free Plan): Identifies the geographic location of visitors who click on your shortened links (limited data in free plan).
  • Analytics Dashboard (Paid Plan): Offers a more comprehensive analytics dashboard with detailed click data and traffic source information (not available in free plan).
  • Link History & Data Storage (Paid Plan): Allows you to save your shortened links and access historical click data for a set period (not available in free plan).


  • Free Plan: TinyURL offers a free plan with basic link shortening, click tracking, and some visitor location data.
  • Simple and Easy to Use: The interface is straightforward and user-friendly, making it easy to shorten links quickly.
  • Widely Recognized: TinyURL is a well-known brand, and shortened TinyURL links are generally recognized and trusted by users.
  • Affordable Paid Plan: The paid plan offers additional features like advanced analytics and data storage at a relatively low cost compared to some competitors.


  • Limited Features in Free Plan: The free plan offers basic functionality with limited data insights. Upgrading is necessary for advanced analytics and historical data storage.
  • Shortened Link Expiration (Free Plan): Free plan links might expire after a certain period of inactivity, requiring manual renewal.
  • Ads on Free Plan: The free plan displays advertisements on the link shortening page.
  • Limited Customization: TinyURL offers minimal customization options for shortened links compared to some paid competitors.

6. RedTrack

Another excellent link tracker, Redtrack, helps you keep tabs on each of your campaigns through multiple communication channels. It also helps you optimize your Google ads and offers an in-depth analysis of their engagement.  

You can monitor a diverse range of URLs, including custom domains, impressions, click tracking, conversion tracking, etc. Much like TinyURL, it provides you with traffic sources such as the location of the search and the devices used. 

Redtrack Homepage


  • Multi-Channel Tracking: Tracks performance across different advertising channels (search ads, social media ads, email marketing, etc.) in one centralized platform.
  • Click Tracking & Conversion Tracking: Monitors clicks on your links and measures conversions (sales, leads, etc.) triggered by those clicks.
  • Impression Tracking: Tracks the number of times your ads are displayed, providing insights into ad visibility.
  • Campaign Management: Allows you to manage and optimize your advertising campaigns from a single platform.
  • Google Ads Optimization: Integrates with Google Ads to optimize campaign performance and improve return on ad spend (ROAS).
  • Traffic Source Data: Provides detailed data on the origin of your website traffic, helping you understand where your audience comes from.
  • Customizable Reporting: Generates reports tailored to your needs, offering insights into campaign performance and ROI.
  • Cost Tracking: Tracks advertising costs to calculate profitability for each campaign.
  • Server-Side & Client-Side Tracking: Offers both server-side and client-side tracking methods for reliable data collection, even with limitations imposed by platforms like iOS 14.


  • Reliable Tracking Across Channels: Tracks performance across various marketing channels, providing a holistic view of your advertising efforts.
  • Advanced Features for Optimization: Offers functionalities like Google Ads optimization and cost tracking to maximize campaign effectiveness.
  • Server-Side Tracking: Ensures accurate data collection even amidst limitations imposed by some platforms.
  • Customizable Reporting: Allows you to generate reports tailored to your specific needs, providing actionable insights.
  • Data Security: Focuses on data security and reliability, ensuring the integrity of your tracking data.


  • Unclear Pricing: Similar to some other tools mentioned, RedTrack's website doesn't explicitly list pricing plans. You might need to contact their sales team for specific cost details.
  • Focus on Enterprise Needs (potential): While RedTrack caters to various businesses, some information suggests it might be geared more towards larger enterprises with complex marketing setups. This could be overwhelming for smaller businesses with simpler needs.
  • Learning Curve: The platform's advanced features might require some learning time for users new to link tracking.

7. Everflow

Everflow offers segmented tracking – its link tracking stat when someone visits your site, and it gives you live updates of every action till conversions. Also, it helps you track links generated for influencers and bloggers and stores them within a single dashboard. 

You can also better understand your customers through community activities, email newsletter signups, and pricing page visits. 

This platform gives you the opportunity to scale up your partnership programs in Everflow's marketplace through quick onboarding and motivation. 

Everflow Homepage


  • Segmented Link Tracking: Tracks clicks and conversions based on various criteria, such as traffic source, device type, or campaign identifier. This allows for in-depth analysis of campaign performance for different segments of your audience.
  • Live Conversion Tracking: Provides real-time updates on conversions happening through your tracked links, allowing for immediate adjustments to marketing strategies.
  • Influencer Link Tracking: Manages and tracks links used by influencers in your marketing campaigns, centralizing data for better performance evaluation.
  • Customer Behavior Analytics: Analyzes visitor behavior on your website beyond just clicks, including page views, time spent, and other actions. This provides valuable insights into user engagement and conversion optimization.
  • Partnership Marketplace: Offers a marketplace to connect with potential affiliates and partners, streamlining the process of building your affiliate network.
  • Click Tracking & Conversion Tracking: Tracks clicks on your links and measures conversions (sales, leads, etc.) triggered by those clicks.
  • Reporting & Analytics: Generates detailed reports with customizable dashboards for analyzing campaign performance and identifying optimization opportunities.


  • Ideal for Performance Marketing: Features like segmented tracking and live conversion tracking cater specifically to the needs of performance marketers and affiliate programs.
  • In-Depth Analytics: Provides comprehensive data on user behavior and influencer performance, aiding in campaign optimization.
  • Partnership Marketplace: Facilitates connecting with potential affiliates and simplifies affiliate program management.
  • Real-Time Data: Allows for immediate adjustments to marketing strategies based on live conversion data.
  • Centralized Data Management: Tracks data from various sources like influencers and different campaigns in one platform.


  • Unclear Pricing: Similar to other tools mentioned, Everflow's website doesn't explicitly list pricing plans. You might need to contact their sales team for specific cost details.
  • Focus on Affiliate Marketing: While not exclusive, Everflow's feature set might be more relevant for businesses heavily reliant on affiliate programs and influencer marketing.
  • Potential Complexity for Beginners: The platform's functionalities designed for performance marketing could be overwhelming for users new to link tracking.

8. Rebrandly

If you are looking for an easy-to-use link tracking tool, Rebrandly is the perfect solution to track and shorten links. 

Unlike many other competitors in the market, Rebrandly offers three types of custom links – shortened links, branded links, and tracking links. When you create an account in Rebrandly, you can customize your link or create an individual link to use on social media posts. Rebrandly offers accurate data on traffic routing, so you can choose the best sites to increase your conversions. 

Rebrandly Homepage


  • Link Shortening: Creates concise and professional-looking shortened URLs for easy sharing and branding.
  • Branded Links: Allows you to use your own domain name within shortened links, improving brand recognition and trust.
  • Click Tracking: Tracks the number of clicks on your shortened links to understand their performance.
  • Custom Link Creation: Provides various options for customizing shortened links, including adding UTM parameters for advanced tracking.
  • Traffic Routing (Paid Plans): Enables you to route clicks on your shortened links to different landing pages based on specific criteria.
  • Data on Traffic Routing (Paid Plans): Provides insights into how traffic is routed across different landing pages with your shortened links (available in paid plans).
  • Integrations: Integrates with various marketing tools and platforms for a more connected workflow.


  • Easy to Use: The interface is simple and user-friendly, making it easy to shorten and customize links even for beginners.
  • Branded Links: Strengthens brand recognition and trust by using your domain name in shortened URLs.
  • Click Tracking: Provides basic click data to understand how your shortened links are performing.
  • UTM Tagging: Enables advanced tracking by adding UTM parameters to your shortened links for analysis within platforms like Google Analytics.
  • Free Plan Available: Offers a free plan with basic features to get started with link shortening and branding.


  • Limited Features in Free Plan: The free plan has limitations on the number of links, custom domains, and advanced features like traffic routing data. Upgrading is necessary for more robust functionalities.
  • Unclear Pricing: Similar to some other tools, Rebrandly's website might not explicitly list pricing for all plans. You might need to contact them for details on paid features and limitations.
  • Traffic Routing Limited to Paid Plans: The ability to route traffic based on specific criteria and gain insights into that routing is only available in paid plans.

9. Snapt

Here's our final pick for link trackers, Snapt. Often considered an alternative to Bitly, Snapt is an amazing link tracker specifically built for the e-commerce industry. The best thing about Snapt is its cost-effective pricing plans. 

It offers smart retargeting based on your customers' demographics and purchasing behavior. It also creates rotating links so you can repurpose them as per your requirements. You can also integrate Google Analytics with this platform. 

Its customizable templates make it easier to create landing pages and increase conversion rates.  

Snapt Homepage


  • Link Shortening: Creates shortened URLs with custom branding options using your domain name.
  • Click Tracking: Tracks clicks on your shortened links, including data on location, device, referrer, and more.
  • Heatmaps & Form Analytics: Analyzes visitor behavior on your website using heatmaps and tracks form submissions for lead generation analysis.
  • Event Tracking: Tracks specific user actions on your website beyond just clicks, like video plays or button clicks.
  • Retargeting: Allows you to target website visitors with ads based on their browsing behavior.
  • QR Code Generation: Generates trackable QR codes for offline marketing campaigns.
  • Landing Page Creation: Enables you to create custom landing pages within Snapt.io for your marketing campaigns (paid plans).
  • A/B Testing: Compares two variations of a landing page or ad creative to see which performs better (paid plans).
  • Customizable Reports: Generate reports tailored to your needs, providing insights into campaign performance.
  • API Integration: Integrates with various marketing tools and platforms for a more streamlined workflow.


  • Branded Short Links: Strengthens brand recognition and trust by using your domain name in shortened URLs.
  • Detailed Click Tracking: Provides in-depth data on clicks with location, device, referrer information, and more for comprehensive website traffic analysis.
  • Conversion Tracking: Tracks various conversion events (sales, leads, etc.) to measure marketing campaign success.
  • Heatmaps & Event Tracking: Goes beyond basic click tracking by analyzing user behavior on your website and tracking specific actions for deeper campaign insights.
  • All-in-One Solution: Offers a range of functionalities from link shortening and basic click tracking to advanced features like heatmaps, event tracking, retargeting, and QR code generation. (Some advanced features included in paid plans)


  • Limited Free Plan Functionality: The free plan has limitations on the number of links, custom domains, and advanced features like landing page creation and A/B testing. Upgrading is necessary to unlock the full potential of Snapt.io.
  • Unclear Pricing: Similar to some other tools, Snapt.io's website might not explicitly list pricing for all plans. You might need to contact them for details on paid features and limitations.

Wrapping Up

Link tracking software serve as a bridge between your marketing efforts and research. These tools also give you detailed analytics and timely updates that you can use to create your future campaigns. 

Before deciding which link tracking tool to choose, take a look at your company's business model and choose the one that suits your purpose. If you are still unsure, you can choose a free tool from the list for the time being. 

Invest in link-tracking tools to generate custom links to get a better hold of your campaigns, meet your conversion goals, and speed up revenue generation. 

FAQS in Link Tracking Software

Q. 1 What features should I look for in a link tracker?

Choosing the right link tracker depends on your marketing goals. Here are some key features to consider:

  • Basic Tracking vs. In-Depth Analytics: Consider the level of detail you need. Do you just want to know the total clicks, or do you need data on visitor location, device type, and more?
  • Conversion Tracking: If you're measuring sales or leads, look for a tracker that integrates with your CRM or marketing platform to track how your links contribute to conversions.
  • Branded Links: Branded shortened URLs can improve brand recognition. This feature is often included in paid plans of link shortening services.
  • Advanced Features: Consider functionalities like A/B testing, retargeting, or QR code generation if relevant to your needs.
  • Integrations: Choose a tracker that integrates with your existing marketing tools for a streamlined workflow.

Q.2 How accurate is link tracking data?

Link tracking data is generally reliable, but there can be some limitations to consider. Factors like ad blockers or cookies disabled by users can affect tracking accuracy. Additionally, with the rise of privacy concerns, some platforms like Apple (with iOS 14) have implemented restrictions that might impact data collection methods. It's important to choose a link tracker that uses server-side tracking or other reliable methods to ensure data integrity as much as possible.

Q.3 What kind of data can I track with a link tracker?

Link trackers can provide a wealth of information beyond clicks. Here are some common examples:

  • Click Data: Track the number of clicks on your links, including information on location, device type, referring domain, and timestamp.
  • Conversion Data: Measure how many clicks lead to desired actions like sales, signups, or downloads.
  • User Behavior Data: Analyze how visitors interact with your website using heatmaps, track form submissions, and monitor specific actions taken on your pages (e.g., video plays, button clicks).
  • Traffic Source Data: Identify where your website traffic originates from, such as organic search, social media referrals, or paid advertising campaigns.

Q.4 Can I integrate link tracking with other marketing tools?

Many link tracking platforms offer integrations with popular marketing tools. This allows you to connect your link tracking data with your CRM, email marketing platform, or marketing automation software. This creates a more holistic view of your marketing efforts and simplifies data analysis. For example, integrating with Google Analytics allows you to see how your link tracking data correlates with website traffic and user behavior data within that platform.

Q.5 How can I use link trackers to retarget website visitors?

Link tracking can be a powerful tool for retargeting website visitors who haven't converted yet. By tracking visitor behavior with your links, you can identify which pages they visited and use that information to create targeted ad campaigns. For instance, if someone clicked on a link for a specific product but didn't complete a purchase, you could retarget them with ads showcasing that same product or similar items.

Q.6 What is click fraud and how can link trackers help prevent it?

Click fraud is a deceptive practice where bots or malicious actors generate fake clicks on your links. This can inflate your click data and skew your marketing campaign results. Some link tracking tools offer features to help prevent click fraud by identifying suspicious click patterns or filtering out clicks from known bot sources. While not foolproof, these features can help ensure the accuracy and reliability of your link tracking data.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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  • svsv

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Author’s Details

Sattwik Das

Sattwik is a Digital Marketing professional at Smartlead. He is a dedicated content writer who focuses on juggling words to bring out meaningful content. He is experienced in well-researched and SEO-optimized content creation, content editing, and copywriting for various businesses throughout the globe. His expertise in SEO, SMM, and SMO with a touch of creativity helps businesses grow and maximize their credibility and sales.


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Frequently asked questions

General Questions

What is Smartlead's cold email outreach software?

Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

Smartlead's cold email outreach tool helps businesses scale their outreach efforts seamlessly. With unlimited mailboxes, fully automated email warmup functionality, a multi-channel infrastructure, and a user-friendly unibox, it empowers users to manage their entire revenue cycle in one place. Whether you're looking to streamline cold email campaigns with automated email warmups, personalization fields, automated mailbox rotation, easy integrations, and spintax, improve productivity, or enhance scalability with subsequences based on lead’s intentions, automated replies, and full white-label experience, our cold email tool implifies it in a single solution.

What is Smartlead, and how can it enhance my cold email campaigns?

Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

Smartlead is a robust cold emailing software designed to transform cold emails into reliable revenue streams. Trusted by over 31,000 businesses, Smartlead excels in email deliverability, lead generation, cold email automation, and sales outreach. A unified master inbox streamlines communication management, while built-in email verification reduces bounce rates.
Additionally, Smartlead offers essential tools such as CNAME, SPF Checker, DMARC Checker, Email Verifier, Blacklist Check Tool, and Email Bounce Rate Calculator for optimizing email performance. 

How does the "unlimited mailboxes" feature benefit me?

Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

Our "unlimited mailboxes" feature allows you to expand your email communications without restrictions imposed by a mailbox limit. This means you won't be constrained by artificial caps on the number of mailboxes you can connect and use. This feature makes Smartlead the best cold email software and empowers you to reach a wider audience, engage with more potential customers, and manage diverse email campaigns effectively.

How does Smartlead as a cold emailing tool can automate the cold email process?

Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

Smartlead’s robust cold email API and automation infrastructure streamline outbound communication by transforming the campaign creation and management processes. It seamlessly integrates data across software systems using APIs and webhooks, adjusts settings, and leverages AI for personalised content.

The cold emailing tool categorises lead intent, offers comprehensive email management with automated notifications, and integrates smoothly with CRMs like Zapier, Make, N8N, HubSpot, Salesforce, and Pipedrive. Smartlead supports scalable outreach by rapidly adding mailboxes and drip-feeding leads into active campaigns Sign Up Now!

What do you mean by "unibox to handle your entire revenue cycle"?

Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

The "unibox" is one of the unique features of Smartlead cold email outreach tool, and it's a game-changer when it comes to managing your revenue cycle. The master inbox or the unibox consolidates all your outreach channels, responses, sales follow-ups, and conversions into one centralized, user-friendly mailbox.

With the "unibox," you gain the ability to:
1. Focus on closing deals: You can now say goodbye to the hassle of logging into multiple mailboxes to search for replies. The "unibox" streamlines your sales communication, allowing you to focus on what matters most—closing deals.

2. Centralized lead management: All your leads are managed from one central location, simplifying lead tracking and response management. This ensures you take advantage of every opportunity and efficiently engage with your prospects.

3. Maintain context: The "unibox" provides a 360-degree view of all your customer messages, allowing you to maintain context and deliver more personalized and effective responses.

How does Smartlead ensure my emails don't land in the spam folder?

Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

Smartlead, the best cold email marketing tool, ensures your emails reach the intended recipients' primary inbox rather than the spam folder. 

Here's how it works:
1. Our "unlimited warmups" feature is designed to build and maintain a healthy sending reputation for your cold email outreach. Instead of sending a large volume of emails all at once, which can trigger spam filters, we gradually ramp up your sending volume. This gradual approach, combined with positive email interactions, helps boost your email deliverability rates.

2. We deploy high-deliverability IP servers specific to each campaign. 

3. The ‘Warmup’ feature replicates humanized email sending patterns, spintax, and smart replies.
4. By establishing a positive sender reputation and gradually increasing the number of sent emails, Smartlead minimizes the risk of your emails being flagged as spam. This way, you can be confident that your messages will consistently land in the primary inbox, increasing the likelihood of engagement and successful communication with your recipients.

Can Smartlead help improve my email deliverability rates?

Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

Yes, our cold emailing software is designed to significantly improve your email deliverability rates. It enhances email deliverability through AI-powered email warmups across providers, unique IP rotating for each campaign, and dynamic ESP matching.
Real-time AI learning refines strategies based on performance, optimizing deliverability without manual adjustments. Smartlead's advanced features and strategies are designed to improve email deliverability rates, making it a robust choice for enhancing cold email campaign success.

What features does Smartlead offer for cold email personalisation?

Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

Smartlead enhances cold email personalisation through advanced AI-driven capabilities and strategic integrations. Partnered with Clay, The cold remaining software facilitates efficient lead list building, enrichment from over 50 data providers, and real-time scraping for precise targeting. Hyper-personalised cold emails crafted in Clay seamlessly integrate with Smartlead campaigns.

Moreover, Smartlead employs humanised, natural email interactions and smart replies to boost engagement and response rates. Additionally, the SmartAI Bot creates persona-specific, high-converting sales copy. Also you can create persona-specific, high-converting sales copy using SmartAI Bot. You can train the AI bot to achieve 100% categorisation accuracy, optimising engagement and conversion rates.

Can I integrate Smartlead with other tools I'm using?

Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

Certainly, Smartlead cold email tool is designed for seamless integration with a wide range of tools and platforms. Smartlead offers integration with HubSpot, Salesforce, Pipedrive, Clay, Listkit, and more. You can leverage webhooks and APIs to integrate the tools you use. Try Now!

Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

Is Smartlead suitable for both small businesses and large enterprises?

Smartlead accommodates both small businesses and large enterprises with flexible pricing and comprehensive features. The Basic Plan at $39/month suits small businesses and solopreneurs, offering 2000 active leads and 6000 monthly emails, alongside essential tools like unlimited email warm-up and detailed analytics.

Marketers and growing businesses benefit from the Pro Plan ($94/month), with 30000 active leads and 150000 monthly emails, plus a custom CRM and active support. Lead generation agencies and large enterprises can opt for the Custom Plan ($174/month), providing up to 12 million active lead credits and 60 million emails, with advanced CRM integration and customisation options.

Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

What type of businesses sees the most success with Smartlead?

No, there are no limitations on the number of channels you can utilize with Smartlead. Our cold email tool offers a multi-channel infrastructure designed to be limitless, allowing you to reach potential customers through multiple avenues without constraints.

This flexibility empowers you to diversify your cold email outreach efforts, connect with your audience through various communication channels, and increase your chances of conversion. Whether email, social media, SMS, or other communication methods, Smartlead's multi-channel capabilities ensure you can choose the channels that best align with your outreach strategy and business goals. This way, you can engage with your prospects effectively and maximize the impact of your email outreach.

Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

How can Smartlead integrate with my existing CRM and other tools?

Smartlead is the cold emailing tool that facilitates seamless integration with existing CRM systems and other tools through robust webhook and API infrastructure. This setup ensures real-time data synchronisation and automated processes without manual intervention. Integration platforms like Zapier, Make, and N8N enable effortless data exchange between Smartlead and various applications, supporting tasks such as lead information syncing and campaign status updates. Additionally, it offers native integrations with major CRM platforms like HubSpot, Salesforce, and Pipedrive, enhancing overall lead management capabilities and workflow efficiency. Try Now!

Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

Do you provide me with lead sources?

No. Smartlead distinguishes itself from other cold email outreach software by focusing on limitless scalability and seamless integration. While many similar tools restrict your outreach capabilities, Smartlead offers a different approach.

Here's what makes us uniquely the best cold email software:

1. Unlimited Mailboxes: In contrast to platforms that limit mailbox usage, Smartlead provides unlimited mailboxes. This means you can expand your outreach without any arbitrary constraints.

2. Unique IP Servers: Smartlead offers unique IP servers for every campaign it sends out. 

3. Sender Reputation Protection: Smartlead protects your sender reputation by auto-moving emails from spam folders to the primary inbox. This tool uses unique identifiers to cloak all warmup emails from being recognized by automation parsers. 

4. Automated Warmup: Smartlead’s warmup functionality enhances your sender reputation and improves email deliverability by maintaining humanised email sending patterns and ramping up the sending volume. 

Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

How secure is my data with Smartlead?

Ensuring the security of your data is Smartlead's utmost priority. We implement robust encryption methods and stringent security measures to guarantee the continuous protection of your information. Your data's safety is paramount to us, and we are always dedicated to upholding the highest standards of security.

How can I get started with Smartlead?

Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

Getting started with Smartlead is straightforward! Just head over to our sign-up page and follow our easy step-by-step guide. If you ever have any questions or need assistance, our round-the-clock support team is ready to help, standing by to provide you with any assistance you may require. Sign Up Now!

How can I reach the Smartlead team?

Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

We're here to assist you! You can easily get in touch with our dedicated support team on chat. We strive to provide a response within 24 hours to address any inquiries or concerns you may have. You can also reach out to us at support@smartlead.ai

Powerful Automated Email Marketing that Drives Sales.

  • All Features Included
  • No Credit Card Required
  • Free Warmup Included